What exactly is improvisation, and why does EduFilharmonia tackle this enigmatic theme? Improvisation can be described as the spontaneous creation of something entirely new, inseparably linked to art, where the creator continuously develops their work during its presentation. In music, improvisation involves musicians composing their part while performing the concert.
It is a highly creative and developmental activity because artists do not replicate the composer's vision but play whatever comes to their mind! What will come of this? It's uncertain. Once again, our Orchestra will confront a repertoire created on the spot in their creative minds! But what will this concert be about? Will it be based on a pre-planned scenario? This is also uncertain. On that day, the musicians of the Orchestra, actors, and the audience will all be full-fledged creators of the artistic vision of this event. In short, we await one grand, shared improvisation.
The Great Improvisation
26-01-2025 17:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin