17OCT '21sn, 19:00

Skolias & Bester - Rebetiko poloniko

Concert with audience
Symphony Hall
Traditional Greek songs from the 1920s and 1930s, interpreted by the Skolias & Bester duo, were arranged for the orchestra by Jarosław Bester.
We admit that although we are still expanding the circle of our musical exploration, we haven't known much about rebetiko before. But since we have been planning holidays in Greece for several years (this year we have failed again, but we are not losing hope), we delved into this history to discover something so unusual that we have never waited so intensely for any October concert like this Sunday Brillante.

Rebetiko is a type of Greek city music that was developing from the end of the 19th century to the 1950s. It saw its renaissance in the second half of the 20th century. In 2017, rebetiko entered the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The very attempt to characterize the genre sounds like a preview of a truly extraordinary evening: a synthesis of European music elements, music from various regions of Greece, Greek Orthodox liturgical chants, Middle Eastern modal traditions and cafe music. Like other genres of urban subcultures, rebetiko developed under particular conditions.

Song lyrics reflect the harsh realities of marginalised people's lives: crimes, drugs, poverty, prostitution and violence, but also everyday life: love, eroticism, marriage, work, war, death, exile, exoticism... As explained by Elias Petropoulos: A prison and drug den was the birthplace of rebetiko. It is where the first rebetes created their songs. They sang in low, hoarse voices, unforced, one by one, with each singer adding a verse that often had nothing to do with the previous one. The song usually lasted for hours. There was no chorus, and the melody was simple and easy.

The Skolias & Bester duo is an experimental music project in which traditional Greek music is the starting point for creative searches and interpretations. They process selected pieces of this trend in their own way, creating a mosaic of contemporary sounds, broadly understood improvisations. It goes without saying that Skolias and Bester are great musical personalities. Each of them made their artistic world. "Rebetiko Poloniko" shows how wonderfully these worlds can interpenetrate, strengthen each other and provide listeners with experiences of the highest order – wrote Piotr Rytowski about the project.

We are waiting for our dream Greece, glad that to visit it we will not have to wait until the next vacation!
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Główny Partner Filharmonii

Skolias & Bester - Rebetiko poloniko
17-10-2021 19:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

October 2021
01OCT '21fr, 14:00
01OCT '21fr, 15:00
01OCT '21fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022BEETHOVEN | Missa solemnis Concert with audience
02OCT '21sa, 19:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022Classical borderlands I Opening concertFree online premiere
03OCT '21sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022POLEMIKA - Jak brzmi czas?Koncert z publicznościąfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
04 OCT, mn, 19:00 - HANIA RANI & DOBRAWA CZOCHER. INNER SYMPHONIESkoncert zewnętrzny
05 OCT, tu, 19:00 - ARTUR ANDRUSkoncert zewnętrzny
07OCT '21th, 19:00
RUBATO 2021/2022Etnofonie kurpiowskieConcert with audience
08OCT '21fr, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022 | Artysta rezydent 2021/2022Schaeffer | Maseli | TomaszewskiConcert with audience / paid online broadcast
09 OCT, sa, 18:00 - STARE DOBRE MAŁŻEŃSTWOkoncert zewnętrzny
10 OCT, sn, 16:00 - FILHARMONIA DOWCIPUkoncert zewnętrzny
10 OCT, sn, 19:00 - FILHARMONIA DOWCIPUkoncert zewnętrzny
11OCT '21mn, 10:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2021/2022POLSKI BRYKKoncert z publicznościądla klas IV-VIII
11OCT '21mn, 12:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2021/2022POLSKI BRYKKoncert z publicznościądla klas IV-VIII
11 OCT, mn, 19:00 - PAWEŁ DOMAGAŁA-WRACAJ TOURkoncert zewnętrzny
12 OCT, tu, 19:00 - RAZ DWA TRZY - 30 LAT JAK JEDEN KONCERT...koncert zewnętrzny
13 OCT, wd, 18:00 - DARIA ZAWIAŁOW - WOJNY I NOCE TOURkoncert zewnętrzny
13OCT '21wd, 18:00
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13 OCT, wd, 21:00 - DARIA ZAWIAŁOW - WOJNY I NOCE TOURkoncert zewnętrzny
14OCT '21th, 18:00
FilHERmoniaFilHERmonia | "Kompozytorki" - nieopisane herstorieKoncert kameralny, projekcja filmu, dyskusja
15OCT '21fr, 14:00
15OCT '21fr, 15:00
15OCT '21fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022ELGAR | STRAUSS | BRAHMSConcert with audience / paid online broadcast
16OCT '21sa, 09:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
16OCT '21sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
17OCT '21sn, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2021/2022Skolias & Bester - Rebetiko polonikoConcert with audience
18OCT '21mn, 19:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022Szczecin Young PercussionFree online premiere
19OCT '21tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
19OCT '21tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
19OCT '21tu, 19:00
Transformacja Pokaz projektów dyplomowych
22OCT '21fr, 19:00
23OCT '21sa, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Inspired by Bach: Kostrzewa & Szczecin Philharmonic Big BandConcert with audience / paid online broadcast
24 OCT, sn, 20:00 - IGOR HERBUT - „CHRUST”koncert zewnętrzny
25 OCT, mn, 19:00 - ADAM SZUSTAK OP - JUŻ SIĘ NIE WSTYDZĘkoncert zewnętrzny
26OCT '21tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
26OCT '21tu, 11:00
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29OCT '21fr, 14:00
29OCT '21fr, 15:00
29OCT '21fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022MOZART | Requiem Concert with audience
30OCT '21sa, 09:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
30OCT '21sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
30 OCT, sa, 18:00 - ACCANTUS LIVE 3koncert zewnętrzny
31OCT '21sn, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022BEETHOVEN | Missa solemnisNewest VOD
November 2021
03NOV '21wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022Kyohei Sorita | Laureat XVIII Konkursu ChopinowskiegoConcert with audience
04NOV '21th, 19:00
RUBATO 2021/2022MARCIN MASECKI | AVI AVITALConcert with audience
05NOV '21fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Alexander Gadjiev | Laureate of the 18th Chopin CompetitionConcert with audience / paid online broadcast
06NOV '21sa, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022 | FilHERmoniaEwa Bem i gościeConcert with audience
07NOV '21sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022KLAWISZ – strażnik obrazków z wystawyConcert with audiencefor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
08NOV '21mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022Leszek Możdżer solo: Jazz Meets ClassicConcert with audience
09NOV '21tu, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022Jakub Kuszlik | Laureat XVIII Konkursu ChopinowskiegoConcert with audience
10NOV '21wd, 10:00
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10NOV '21wd, 12:00
KONCERTY SZKOLNE 2021/2022POLSKI BRYKKoncert z publicznościądla klas IV-VIII
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12NOV '21fr, 14:00
12NOV '21fr, 15:00
12NOV '21fr, 16:30
Wolny ChórConcert with the audience
12NOV '21fr, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022KARŁOWICZ RecomposedConcert with audience
13NOV '21sa, 09:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
13NOV '21sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
13NOV '21sa, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022Michał Zaborski | Feeling EarthNewest VOD
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14NOV '21sn, 17:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022Cuarteto CasalsConcert with audience
14NOV '21sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022 | FilHERmoniaPOLEMIKA – Jak brzmi czas?Free online premierefor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
16NOV '21tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
16NOV '21tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
16 NOV, tu, 19:00 - 12 TENORÓW & DIVAkoncert zewnętrzny
17 NOV, wd, 19:00 - ANIA DĄBROWSKA – THE BEST OFkoncert zewnętrzny
18NOV '21th, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022 | FilHERmoniaLab 1: Resina | SpeechlessNewest VOD
19NOV '21fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022SIBELIUS | PENDERECKI | DVOŘAKConcert with audience
20NOV '21sa, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022Catz ‘n Dogz | Rosalie & BaaschConcert with audience
21NOV '21sn, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2021/2022CHOPIN according to Leszek KułakowskiConcert with audience
22 NOV, mn, 20:00 - MIKROMUSIC – KRAKSAkoncert zewnętrzny
23 NOV, tu, 19:00 - 10 TENORÓWkoncert zewnętrzny
24NOV '21wd, 18:00
24 NOV, wd, 20:00 - MARYLA RODOWICZ AKUSTYCZNIE [ODWOŁANY]koncert zewnętrzny
25NOV '21th, 20:00
26NOV '21fr, 14:00
26NOV '21fr, 15:00
26NOV '21fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022 | FilHERmoniaPIAZZOLLA | STRAWIŃSKI | MENDELSSOHNConcert with audience / paid online broadcast
27NOV '21sa, 09:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
27NOV '21sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
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27 NOV, sa, 19:30 - QUEEN SYMFONICZNIEkoncert zewnętrzny
28NOV '21sn, 17:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022VIVALDI | West Side SinfoniettaConcert with audience
29 NOV, mn, 19:00 - NARODOWA ORKIESTRA DĘTA Z LUBINAkoncert zewnętrzny
30NOV '21tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
30NOV '21tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
30 NOV, tu, 20:00 - KRÓLkoncert zewnętrzny
30NOV '21tu, 20:00
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