09APR '22sa, 20:00

Bass Astral: instrumental session

Electronic concert with the audience
Symphony Hall
In recent years, one of the most frequently repeated names on the Polish electronic music scene is Kuba Tracz, known as Bass Astral. He is described as an artist who redefines electronic sounds, giving them the subtlety of instrumental music. At the Philharmonic in Szczecin, together with the musicians of the Symphony Orchestra, he will present the premiere music material prepared for the Soundlab concert series – the Philharmonic Laboratory of Electronic Music.

The last years in the artist's life have been, above all, reigning on the Polish music scene together with the vocalist Igor Walaszek (the band Bass Astral x Igo, apart from joint albums, also has hundreds of concerts and great fans' recognition).

In 2021, the team decided to end their joint artistic journey. There comes the point when you reach a crossroads, and you have to decide which way you want to go. So we made a joint decision to disband Bass Astral x Igo. At the same time, we hope that new paths will lead us into the unknown, and we look forward to what fate will bring – the artists write in their statement.

It turns out that the creators did not have to wait long for new paths of artistic development. Kuba Tracz already, in the summer of 2021, announced his solo album entitled "Techno do Miłość". He invited his friends to record it, including the pianist Hania Rani, who was active in the field of neoclassical composition. I come from the village of Brzeźnica. In adolescence, I ran away from it and wanted to cut myself off because it seemed closed to me. I experienced city life, developed myself as a musician, and met all my musical friends and companions. (…) However, after many years in the city, I returned to rural life and recorded this album – says Kuba Tracz.

The collaboration of Bass Astral with the musicians of the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is another step in the artistic activity of the musician, who, agreeing with the idea of the Soundlab series concerts, in his work focuses on the ability to listen and enjoy the richness of the world of sounds.
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Główny Partner Filharmonii

Bass Astral: instrumental session
09-04-2022 20:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

April 2022
01APR '22fr, 14:00
01APR '22fr, 15:00
01APR '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022PENDERECKI | BRAHMSSymphonic concert
02APR '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
02APR '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
05APR '22tu, 10:00
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05APR '22tu, 12:00
„Państwa-Miasta”Koncert szkolny z publicznościądla klas IV-VIII
05APR '22tu, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022Ludwig van Beethoven Easter FestivalSymphonic concert
06APR '22wd, 17:00
07APR '22th, 19:00
RUBATO 2021/2022Tomer Moked I Dance of Fire QuartetTraditional concert
08APR '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022Sharon Kam plays CrusellSymphonic concert with the audience
09APR '22sa, 20:00
SOUNDLAB 2021/2022Bass Astral: instrumental sessionElectronic concert with the audience
10APR '22sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2021/2022 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022Orkiestra od środkaFree online premierefor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
10 APR, sn, 19:00 - KUBA BADACH. TRIBUTE TO ANDRZEJ ZAUCHA.OBECNYkoncert zewnętrzny
11APR '22mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022LNSD QUARTETJazz concert with audience
12APR '22tu, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
12APR '22tu, 11:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
12 APR, tu, 19:00 - KULT AKUSTIKkoncert zewnętrzny
13APR '22wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022BACH | PobłockaChamber concert with the audience
16APR '22sa, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022 | LiveFilharmonia 2021/2022OSCHER | DVOŘAK
Newest VOD
21APR '22th, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
21APR '22th, 11:00
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21APR '22th, 20:00
Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022 | Music.Multimedia.Management.Współcześni Twórcy: Avi AvitalFree online premiere
22APR '22fr, 14:00
22APR '22fr, 15:00
22APR '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022ARUTUNIAN | ELGAR | MAHLERSymphonic concert
23APR '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
23APR '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
24APR '22sn, 17:00
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27APR '22wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022International Saxophone FestivalConcert with the audience
May 2022
05MAY '22th, 19:00
RUBATO 2021/2022Mamadou & SamaYoonTraditional concert with the audience
06MAY '22fr, 14:00
06MAY '22fr, 15:00
06MAY '22fr, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2021/2022 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022ADAM SZTABA | Polish top all-time about freedomSymphonic concert with the audience
08MAY '22sn, 17:00
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09MAY '22mn, 19:00
ESPRESSIVO 2021/2022PATTI AUSTIN | Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald
Jazz concert with audience
11 MAY, wd, 19:00 - GRZEGORZ TURNAU-ZNÓW WĘDRUJEMY LIVEkoncert zewnętrzny
13MAY '22fr, 19:00
FILM-HARMONY 2021/2022 | Filharmonia Szczecin Online 2021/2022JAMES HORNER | The EmotionalistSymphonic concert
14MAY '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
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WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
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18MAY '22wd, 19:00
MISTERIOSO 2021/2022Berlin Staatskapelle QuartetChamber concert with the audience
19MAY '22th, 09:00
DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
19MAY '22th, 11:00
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20MAY '22fr, 15:00
20MAY '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022WOJCIECH KILARSymphonic concert with the audience
21MAY '22sa, 09:00
Warsztaty "RANIUTTO"Workshops for children aged 1-2 with caregivers
21MAY '22sa, 11:00
WARSZTATY „RANIUTTO”Workshops dla dzieci od 3. do 5. roku życia z opiekunami
22MAY '22sn, 19:00
BRILLANTE 2021/2022BIBOBIT | OSIECKAConcert with the audience
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26MAY '22th, 09:00
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DONUTA PRZEDSTAWIAKoncert z publicznościądla przedszkoli i klas I-III
27MAY '22fr, 16:00
27MAY '22fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2021/2022Chaplin's SmileSymphonic concert
28MAY '22sa, 12:00
29 MAY, sn, 16:00 - SŁAWEK UNIATOWSKI: LOVE STORYkoncert zewnętrzny
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